Monday, 26 February 2007

Be an eternal optimist

In this world of stress and strife, optimism is a sine qua non for a peaceful existence. In the words of the immortal poet H W Longfellow, "Not in the clamour of the crowded streets, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat". We are indeed the arbiters of our own destiny and it is our faith and confidence in ourselves that enables us to raise and shine in the world and to make our mark.
Optimists may have longer lives, says a study done in America where as many as 7000 adults were tracked from their college days in the 1960s for a period of 40 long years. The study has also revealed that optimists are less likely to suffer from depression and their attitude ensures that they are able to maintain a healthier lifestyle. The positive outlook on life ensures that they pay more attention to their diet and exercise habits and all this adds to their longevity. More than anything else optimists are firm belivers in the dictum that "this too shall pass".
An optimist never gives up hope for he has the confidence that reverses are always a temporary phenomenon and he would be able to bounce back to even keel soon with the dark clouds disappearing like mist in the morning sun. Pessimists believe that the bad times would continue to haunt them forever. Being low on confidence and morale they lead desultory lives and often meet with early deaths.
It is the desire to live that propels an optimist to take obstacles in his stride and this raises his or her energy levels with the adrenaline flowing all the time. It is the silver lining in the dark clouds that attracts his or her attention first and pretty soon the darkness diappears as his horizon gets lighted up with hope. The twin imposters of triumph and disaster can be handled with equanimity. Celebrate your success but let it not go on your head. Failures, being stepping stones to success, have to be met squarely and should not dampen the enthusiasm. In the ultimate analysis, it all boils down to seeing the glass half full or empty. Optimists, always high on hope, spread sunshine all around and never buckle under. Naturally, they live longer and lead happier lives.


Sandeepa said...

Good one gubbi :)

Anonymous said...

Good words.