Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Don't get stuck in a small hole

There are two ways of looking at life. One is thinking that, "I'll be happy after achieving a certain objective." The second is saying that "Iam happy come what may!" Which one do you want to live?
Just examine why your spirits go down? More often than not, it is because somebody said something stupid to you. And why did they say a stupid thing? Because they had some garbage and they needed to throw it out; and you were there, ready to catch it. And once you have caught it, you hold on to it so passionately! Wake up! Don't let your smile be snatched away by anybody!
Nobody can feel bad or good all the time; the good and bad feelings come like waves. You can't stop a wave that has already arisen; nor can you make a wave rise just like that. Just as waves come and go so also emotions come and go. Waves of different emotion come. And they disappear. But we make it such a big issue and it keeps bombarding our minds. This emotional garbage is so useless; and it is also a sign of emotional immaturity.
our life is like a river: A river needs two banks to flow. The difference between flood and a flowing rivber is that water flows regulated in a direction in a river. During floods, the water is muddled and has no direction. Similarly, the energy in our life needs some direction to flow. Otherwise, it is all confusion. Today most of the people are in confusion because there is no direction in life. When you are happy, there is no much of life energy in you; but when this life energy doesn't know where to go, how to go, it gets stuck. Wehn it stagnates, it rots! So life has to keep moving like water.
For life energy to move in a direction, commitment is essential. Life runs on commitment. You cannot stand someone who does not commit, but see how much commitment have you taken in your life? Ofcourse, our commitment is proportional to what we have, our power, our capacity or capability. If you are committed to taking care of your family, that much capacity or power you gain. If your commitment is for the community, you will get that much energy, joy, that much power. More will be given to you only if you utilise properly what you already have! This is a law in nature.


Somesh Srinivas Shanbhag said...

Good one Abhi.
I liked the anology of river and flood to life.
Yeah .. thats true ... always in confusion!!

Sandeepa said...


A very nice post full of thoughts!
need to think more :)