Power of the WILL
"My WILL is a will." This is what I had said when I gave a commitment to my friend saying I will write an article on "Will power" and put up on google blog.
Why is WILL so powerful? We get to see a lot of Will outside and there are only two things in our near/distant future which can drive us so powerfully that we can enjoy every bit of it. They are the WILL and the WILL NOT.
The first step in achieving what you want is by making a WILL. This involves commitment which should come from within that "I will achieve this". The sequence that follows is automatic. You'll be driven by the commitment you gave.
Will power will remind you at the time you make a will. Will can wake you up in the morning at the time you want to: Make a commitment before sleeping saying: "I WILL get up at 6 am" and keep an alarm with time properly set. If you have a strong belief in will power, it'll wake you up just before 6 am. Will power can be realized only by practice. If you have a strong will power, there is no need to write down the things you want to accomplish over a period of time. It'll keep reminding you on a periodic basis.
Will can kill you at times when you don't use it properly. When you use words like "I'll try", "I'll be able to", "I'll not be able to" etc., Will will destroy you. Start practising language which makes use of either "I'll do" or "I'll not do", this requires courage to speak as well since you'll be concerned about presenting yourself in a way that you will be "looking good" and will be "avoid looking bad".
So, Go ahead and realize the power of Will that you have within you. I am sure it WILL keep you ecstatic all the time till you WILL keep it ecstatic.
1 comment:
nice posts abhi,
keep it up!
cheers :)
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