Saturday, 28 March 2009

Caste and communal divide in India

I'm hereby expressing some thoughts, as I've seen around for the 26 odd years of my life.


Since India got its independence, it was Ambedkar who said in a country like ours, there is a necessity of reservations. But, what he didn't knew was that it would become bread and butter of the political parties thereafter. Even today, we have the reservations continuing. I don't understand why there should be special treatment to those who are above poverty line and belong to backward classes, to those who are born and brought up in urban areas and they need reservations.

During CET counseling atleast, we saw so many categories thrown up on the wide-screen in which we were supposed to pick our seats for engineering or medical streams. Just see how wide the list was: 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, SC, ST, GM. Well this is not over yet, we had a breakup for rural and urban for e.g., 1AR (1A category for rural), 1AU(1A for urban. I personally have seen how this provision was mis-used by our fellow people.

One classic example I can give is this, there's a school nearby Harihar which happens to be my hometown, widely famous, it's Aditya Birla School and College, Kumarapatnam and this is like 3-4 kms on the outskirts of my hometown. Most of them who went to this institution were children of employess of Grasim Industries. The worst thing, many people have claimed that the college comes in the purview of Rural area and they were offered seats under Rural quota. Another example, a ST candidate who's father is already a manager at a Bank (I don't want to name his name here) and he chose to take the seat under ST category. I wonder why?? Nobody has the guts to earn a seat or progress with his/her own abilities.

Caste divide

Being a Brahmin myself, my parents never told that I should not mingle with people from SC/ST community or those from lower castes or those from minority communities be it Christians or Muslims. Never! I'm sure the same is the case with all of my friends around. When I did my schooling, we sang "Asathoma Sadgamaya, Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya, Mrutyorma Amrutangamaya" Sansrkit shlokas as our daily prayers before we went into the classes, and all of them sang it including Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs. I'm sure the same is the case with all of my friends who did their schooling at different institutions. If it was a Convent school, they were made to pray the God with some song from Christian culture. If it was a Muslim school, they were made to pray the God in their own culture. Our teachers used to take us in processions of what they called "Komu sauhaardathe" in Kannada meaning "All religions are the same, everyone is equal".

I myself didn't have any feeling about castes, nor did I never felt that belonging to different castes is so important until one day, one bad day! It was when I got into Pre-university second year (we call this as twelfth -XII in other states) and was preparing for CET exams. I had bought a new Bosco CET book (an author who writes Mathematics text books for Pre-University). I was aspiring to earn an engineering seat in BIET, Davanagere. There was a table in it which gave the details of how approximate should your ranking be to earn a seat in various colleges in Karnataka. I went to the row of BIET and checked the figure. I found a lot of columns there, then had to look up the column headers and that is when I noticed I belong to the General Merit (GM) category - The category without reservations. :-) My aspirations came true, that's a different story altogether. Nevertheless, the point that I wanted to mention here was that it was that day when I realized that it is sectorially divided. The people have to select the seats based on their castes.

I sometimes get pissed off just thinking about my past, after having such a wonderful schooling, why the hell did I undergo Pre-university course where I learnt that all I put so much of effort into earning a seat in engineering I desired the most after a good ranking, my friends from other castes got it so easily with their reservations and a bad ranking. I was annoyed, annoyed with the person who created this sectorial "caste divide". I agree it's needed to distinguish students who still managed to earn a rank despite of the rural and poor economic backgrounds they came from, but it's not something which should have been offered to urban students from backward castes. I mean, why is there such a need for those who come from urban and comparatively good economic backgrounds?


Congress and other parties, leave alone even the biased media seem to call the BJP as a saffron party, party which only takes care of Hindus and leave all the other castes behind. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was in power for around 5 years, were all the Muslims or Christians of the country killed? The answer is NO.

Whenever BJP's leaders comment something, the Congress, the other pseudo-secular parties, even the media led by NDTV whose editor accidently happens to be a close relative of Brinda Karat (Left party leader), the same case is with India Today, Times Now etc, the wise Javed Akhtars, the Shabana Azmis, and the human rights people all attack BJP of being a communal party and talk bullshit saying BJP never takes care of minority and all that.

Now, here's a view point, who is indeed creating a rift or a communal divide in the society? The BJP or the Congress and its bunch of puppets. I personally feel after watching for all these years, the communal divide is created by the latter. Good deeds of the BJP are never shown in the media, the media is biased. The media always looks for an opportunity and they (infact Congress and the junk puppets like Left parties, Laloos and the Mayas and the Paswans) blow the news out of proportion. Whatever has happened never is shown up.

The Congress has been to an extent of calling Rama and Krishna, the Gods we believe in to be fictitious characters and they never existed. Everybody has a faith in himself/herself. A person can be religious believing a religion or may be even an atheist. Now, Congress has hurt the very faith in belief.

India needs politicians who bend their asses and work toward the progress of the nation and not puppets! Everybody can make puppets, even you and I can.

Final word from my end:
This blog was not meant to be personally offensive to specific set of readers, but indeed, if they feel it either ways, I dare to challenge them to raise their children in an independent environment, environment where even if they have the choice of using reservations and caste they should not exercise it. That's when you'll be called forward people. Don't make yourselves backward, work towards becoming forward.


Sriharsha said...

ok let me begin with sentence that my comment might be 1/4 th of ur blog entry. I felt exactly same way when I looked at seat dividing criteria. And because of this caste system I lost seat in BIET Davanagere. Even to make things worse people whose rank is 3 times lesser than me got free seats in BIET.. heck... I don't want to remember anything. I frankly feel these reservation should be completely stopped. Quite frankly I think reservation is bad for backward community. The reason is I really believe in India till now the leaders in parliament are able ones and you can see these leaders(men or women) did not selected under any reservation, this applies even in case of women reservation 33% what they are talking about. Making these reservation has two problems people who are elected/selected are not capable to handle the job second by selecting/electing these people you are really blind for the able candidates. I remember two incidents back from II PUC.
1. One of person who belongs to this backward community asked the exam fee from the college clerk, the clerk said so and so rupees. Then the person said in whispering voice 'what about sc-st sir?' . Go to hell if you want facility be proud of what you are, don't be opportunist you fool.
2. One of my friend who belongs to sc-st category again, was short of 3 marks to qualifying score of CET. (BTW if you remember they have to score 10% less than us to qualify) The guy told shamelessly, 'che, 3 marks that is what I needed that bloody examiner did not gave me!!!!
And now this fool Arjun Singh started reservations in IIT.. god help India...
BTW it seems for every 14 years this reservation is reviewed by central govt and I don't see any leader with balls..(yes that is correct with balls) to stop this reservation depending on class of leaving for the particular caste. Instead they keep on adding more castes to this category . Shame on us...
When ever I read/thought/hear/see anything related to caste system only one thing crosses my mind. In my college there were 60 seats for my branch and General category had 15 entries for it. That indirectly means only 15 people who want to come up on their own without anybodies mercy(financially and intellectually) are allowed...

Sriharsha said...

I forgot to add the disclaimer is simply super..

Anonymous said...

I fully support the views expressed by abhijit in this blog. Like many people, I too are a firm believer of no reservation at any level (jobs, education) on basis of caste.

Unknown said...

Guys, i'm not really sure about author's intention . But you mis unserstood the idea behind this small snippet of views. There should be reservation for backward people irrespective of caste.


[v]aseem said...

well...the reservation system that exists today was designed around 1950s when there was a need of such a system to be put in place. The biggest mistake, perhaps, that our 'nation builders' committed was that they implemented reservations based on the caste of a citizen, when actually, the need was for a system which recognized a citizen as backward financially..! The second flaw in the reservation scheme is that it should have been implemented with a time frame in say for 20 or 25 years from the day India became a Republic nation..
Sadly even today, in India we have a system, designed more than half a century ago. The challenge for our leaders, [i hate calling them leaders!!] now will be to abolish the caste based reservations and implement reservations based on the financial merit of a citizen. This in my opinion would help those citizens who are actually in need of such schemes.

Sonia said...

I don't think there should be reservation based on caste or your financial status. When it comes to selecting good people who will become doctors, engineers, only merit should count. If you are financially poor then there could be other things like less fees or book given etc but no way there should be seat reservations. Also i hate that in india we have so many languages, castes and instead of enjoying good things we keep fighting with each other. we are so narrow minded to always talk about my caste, my language and generalizing things. I hope we remember that we are all indians and live peacefully and know that language is to communicate rather then to divide. Also whom can a person vote. congress does not do anything and keep making stupid reservations for votes and bjp scares me for talking things like communal fights and violence against urban class

Abhijit Apte said...

Mr. Jaihind,
I never write my blogs without any intentions. If you are unsure abt my intention, mail me what you misunderstood or the rest have misunderstood from my blog. I'll make it clear to you.