Sunday, 3 June 2007

Fascinating Kids

One of the most fascinating entities on this world has to be the kids. Kids by birth are too good, everybody likes to dote on them. They show up their inhibitant skills when they start walking, they prove that they cannot be caught at all. Even better, their importance will be realized when they start talking as well.

Take any child on any part of the world, let it be from any class, tribe, religion, color is the same. It behaves in the same fashion. It is always the center of attraction. If we observe kids, they always keep asking things which are even ungettable, but they think it is theirs. And if you notice even keenly, they fight until they get them either by hook or crook. They grab attention of the crowd without any special effort.

I used to feel amazed, when I used to see advertisements which involved kids and they could act much more better than the aged. I always used to think, "How did they train those children? Those coaches must be great". But, in this regard, I always used to undermine kids and their inhibitant caliber. After a lot of observation, I now have the answer for it. Kids have very good grasping power and learning. They can catch the words just like that! So, it's easy to train them. Especially children who don't speak yet, if are in constant touch with people from various regional areas, they learn all those regional languages spoken by those people. If you observe multi-cultured societies and colonies, it is the children community which comes together first. They can freely converse with each other. They don't have barriers, they just love having fun!

You need not act when you already are actor! This statement fits for the children. They are actors by themselves. That is the reason why they can imitate anybody. When I mean anybody, I really mean it. They copy styles, their observation is very minute. They are very good at drawing as well. If aged people are asked to draw a picture, they never concentrate on the granular aspects, but kids do! They are born artists.

Kids also never give up their enthu. Their enthu-level will always be the same regardless of the state they are pushed into. They don't care about what's happening around them. When they are awake, they keep everybody awake and when they go to sleep, they make everybody go to sleep. Another thing is when a kid wakes up, it doesn't roll over the bed, gets up just like that, meaning laziness is not at all there in it. Kids are as always agile as cats are.

Kids are a gift to us and they are our future, we need to nourish them for the future to be bright, peaceful, awesome. They have a lot of characters which we should learn from.

To wrap up, I now feel why kids are referred to as reflection of God. Infact, this is the reason why everyone is fond of Balakrishna, Kaanha!!! :-)

Love you all kids on this planet, hope I was a kid all the time.

Signing off,


Sandeepa said...



sakkat baritheeya..

keep it up!


Raghu said...

huh right man kids are wonderful. If there is a kid at home the time flies........ well written buddy...